Etienne MAYEUR

De José Bruffaerts

Les jeux sont faits ! Le maître incontestable du BIG, c’est notre ami Etienne Mayeur. De nature réservée et impassible, Etienne vient de sortir « une quinte flush royale » de sa manche au nez et à la barbe d’Eric Lucas, son challenger le plus coriace de ces trois dernières années. Bravo Etienne pour cet extraordinaire parcours détonnant et tout en silence !

Voilà une occasion en or de faire un peu mieux connaissance avec notre BIG Master.
Qui est Etienne Mayeur ?
Qui se cache derrière ce grand rêveur Révois qui a fait de son rêve une réalité ?


From Jules Dejace

The photos of the 1000th

Jules Dejace sent us 6 photos from Etienne's 1000th climb on the sides of the Passo di Neggia in Switzerland, near the italian border.

The end of a long long road...


From Daniel Gobert

Les aventures de Tintienne et Mayou

Notre premier lauréat a roulé sa bosse dans 45 pays et 5 continents. Comme le plus célèbre des reporters belges. Ca m'a donné l'idée de douze couvertures des aventures de Tintienne et mayou à l'instar des douze zones du B.I.G. Reste à Etienne à découvrir un dessinateur pour décorer ses futurs récits d'aventures ;-)


From Martin Kool


Wow!! Congratulations Etienne! Incredible. Unbelievable. Mission complete!

De Dominique Jacquemin

Eh oui Etienne, c'est la fin du rêve; ce dernier est devenu réalité.La promesse faite à ton papa, tu l'as honorée en inscrivant ton nom au sommet des 1000 BIGS. Chapeau bas, Monsieur Etienne ! Pour les mélonames, suivez le dernier col d'Etienne en écoutant Vivaldi " The Four Seasons "summer" RV315 "Largo e pianissimo sempre " Allez-y Faites un petit galop avec notre ami Etienne.

De Dominique Vanstiphout

1000 bravos pour 1000 BIGS qui suscitent le respect. Quelles belles ascensions , quelle belle promesse tenue!

From Dirk Vissers

Congratulations ! Felicitations! Gefeliciteerd! How close can you get to heaven? It's a dream for us all ! Simply the best ! BIG, BIGGER , BIGGEST ! Greetings, Salutations , Vele groeten

De Daniel Gobert

Notre Neil Armstrong est né aujourd'hui. Notre Buzz Aldrin est juste derrière lui. Etienne a réalisé un petit pas pour atteindre aujourd'hui le sommet du Neggia, mais un grand pas pour le challenge B.I.G.

...Plus... ...More...

From Helmuth Dekkers

Etienne, Congratulations for reaching the summit of the BIG challenge! A great work has been achieved by you. Enjoy now!

From Giordano Castagnoli

Hallo Etienne Jules and Mauro informed me about your success in reaching 1000 BIG! Feliciteert!! I like remember that also with my support you have reached this goal: I accompained you to make the following BIGs in Central Italy: Santuatrio La Verna, Monte Fumaiolo, Forca Canapine , Forca di Presta and Cima Mutali. As new president of U.I.C. Association and member of B.I.G. is a real pleasure for me, to send my personal congratulations and of all our associated to you, and hope to meet us in Umbria again.

From Gabór Kreicsi

Dear Etienne, every hungarian members congartulations for You with the Challenge! It's so nice! Maybe do you remember, where we met in Austria: HERE.

Best regards from the hungarian members !

De Daniel Hilson

Que dire alors du sprint final du lauréat suprême ?

From Mauro Repetti


From Ruth and Kevin Speed

Etienne Wow, you're a superstar! Congratulations on a well deserved victory. In memory of your father I'm so pleased you were the first one to achieve the 1000 mission. One day I hope it will be my pleasure to meet you at some future BIG gathering but then why would you want to climb them again - for the company of like minded cyclists of course but all the climbs for you will only be previous memories. All this goes to prove that the impossible 1000 barrier can be reached and should be an inspiration to us all. I might be about 80 years of age when I reach the goal! Regards Kevin

From Gabriele Brunetti

The 9 Sep, 2011 was a BIG day for us: Etienne was the first to achieve the 1,000 BIGs, an astonishing exploit. I am very glad to join the big acclaim from all BIG members. There is a span of 21 years from the first (which was it ?) till the last Passo Neggia - a pass at the border between Italy and Switzerland. I would like to know the story of its adventure - the most remarkable climbs, the joyful and difficult moments.. I had the opportunity to cycle with Etienne at Lac of Moiry in 2008 ( he was very strong that day!), in 2009 at Sonthofen and the Crossroad Liguria. A year later he was in a unfit condition and it was very tough for him to get the top of Monte Beigua, a very familiar place for me . It is the montain that I can see from my home windows. He was very kind of him to accept my invitation as special guest in Liguria. I am very happy that he is the winner of BIG challenge !